Eye Make-up according to your Zodiac Sign

Yesterday, while surfing on facebook, something really interesting caught my eye... 12 photos with eye make up for each sign of the zodiac! Here they are (as usual, click on the image to enlarge):

I am a Libran and I like the make up proposed here. My faves though, have to be Sagittarius and Capricorn. Which sign do you belong to ladies? Do you like the make up associated with it? Any other faves?

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9 comments on "Eye Make-up according to your Zodiac Sign"
  1. I'm a Gemini, the makeup looks kinda nice, not my fave though! :)

  2. oo i'm scorpio! and i'm LOVING the look! love the look for taurus!

  3. great so now you can wow us with one of your tutorials ;P

  4. Im a Sagittarius and I LOVE the makeup look for Sagittarius :)
    Other favs have to be Taurus, Aries and Gemini :)


  6. I'm a bit of an expert on astrology and although these are very beautiful, the majority of the makeup chosen does not suit the sign. Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are the only examples here staying true to their sign, and Sagittarius could have more blue and bronze. The layout of Taurus is good with the jewels since they love luxury, but it's far too gaudy for natural Taurus. They should've used matte earth tones such as taupe or sage. Aries is almost good, but it should be red makeup instead of orange. I like the way the makeup is handled for Libra, but it should be blue, not green, and there's too much black. Scorpio looks like it should be Aquarius or Pisces, and Cancer looks like Scorpio. The bottom eyelashes on Pisces works, but the shadow should be green and purple. Cancer needs to be shimmery or pearly, not matte, and it should be pastel colors, overall the eyes should appear large and bright. Capricorn needs to be faded teal and brown, with darker eyelashes and liner. The colors of Leo are good, but it should be far more dramatic. Shimmery gold rather than orange, with extra long eyelashes and designs in the eyeliner, perhaps with some purple thrown in there. The black and white eyeliner is good for Gemini, but in all honesty, to stay true to Gemini, that should be it. Pink should never be used to represent Gemini since cool colors represent the sign, an icy blue or pale yellow should've been used. I hope I was helpful rather than annoying haha :)

    1. Wow thank you for your contribution :) I appreciate all the tips as will my readers no doubt!

  7. aquarius .. the shape of my eyes.

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