One Lovely Blog Award

Another blog award!!! This time, it comes from Chrystal over at Chrystals Beauty Blog and Enigma at Enigmatic Rambles... thank you both so much :D xxx. Here's the award, rules and whom I tag:

Rules to follow when you receive the award:
  1. make a post about the award and link the person who gave it to you
  2. give the award to 15 blogs you've found out recently
  3. tell these bloggers that they have an award
Here are the blogs I tag for this award:

Blogger Templates
Blogger Templates
2 comments on "One Lovely Blog Award"
  1. Yay it's my 3rd award (the same one) !! lol ! Thanks!! :D

  2. Aww you lovely thing, thanks ever so much! I'll be sure to return the favour and follow the rules once my busy weekend's over! Thanks again :) xx
