Top-Ten Tuesdays ~ Lip Products

Good morning my lovelies hope you had a good night's sleep and are now ready to face the day, no matter what it throws at you ;). And what better way to do it than that extra confidence that a perfect pout is guaranteed to give? So, for that extra bit of help, I am going to share my Top-Ten Lip Products. Here we go (as always, click on the names for a full review)!

6. The Body Shop Born Lippy Passionberry Lip Balm
4. Nivea Care Gloss & Shine in Natural

Vaseline still remains my all time favourite product for keeping lips moisturized though, but since this was more targeted to 'actual' beauty products, I left it out. Anyways, what are your favourite lip products ladies?

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6 comments on "Top-Ten Tuesdays ~ Lip Products"
  1. The three lipsticks at the back look gorgeous!

    For moisturizing my lips I really like Carmex moisturizing lip balm. :)


  2. Great post lara :) I tend to stick to the same brands of lip products *slaps hand*. I should try more brands. Anyway, if you like vaseline, I really suggest you try nivea hydro care, it feels exactly like vaseline to me, it is much more portable than the jars, and it is less clumsy to apply. I did a review about it here.

  3. @ Gertrude: they really are and the price is even better... €4 each from I never tried Carmex but I heard very good things about so I might give it a go some day :)

    @ Dyna: I usually base my decision of which brands to try judging from the performance of other products I have from the same brand, so far this never failed! I love Nivea so hydro care should do it for me. Thanks for suggesting and great review ;) xx

    @ Jelena: Thank you xx :)

  4. Hi lara!

    If you love Vaseline try Vaseline Rosy lips. Its by the same brand but targeted for the lips, it smells gorgeous, feels really smooth and non sticky on the lips and gives a gorgeous tint + it only costs about 2 euros something. I love it and I am really picky about lip stuff. I would suggest for you to give it a go :)


  5. Thank you for your tip Daniela :) I guess I have to write up a list of new lip products to try! xx
