Jett Plasma Launch & Fashion With A Cause at People & Skin Med-Aesthetic Clinic

If you've been following this space for a while, it's no secret that I love anything that has to do with skin care; not just discovering new products, but also treatments and med-aesthetic procedures whose aim is to improve the look and feel of skin.

I was invited to the launch of one of the latest in such discoveries at People & Skin Med-Aesthetic Clinic earlier in February - Jett Plasma Lift Medical, so let's dive in deeper into what it all entails and why People & Skin have added the treatment to their extensive repertoire.

In medical terms, Jett Plasma Lift Medical is non-surgical blepharoplasty. In simpler terms, it offers a non-surgical means to tighten loose skin around the eyes. The device which delivers the treatment is actually very compact and from my research, results are instantaneous and patients experience minimal downtime. The Jett Plasma Lift Medical is, therefore, a medical device that provides next-generation technology for skin tightening and collagen production stimulation. Consequently, apart from blepharoplasty, Jett Plasma Lift Medical can also be used to treat pigmentation, small vein clusters and removal of small warts for example. The device is intended for repeated treatments and the doctors from People & Skin will guide you through your treatment accordingly. The procedure does require the use of local anaesthetic to suppress the heat sensation from the device; after all, the skin is being shrunk as the heat stimulates collagen production in the area being treated for a rejuvenation effect. People & Skin are offering the treatment with an introductory price of €450 for both upper and lower eyelids.

Following the Jett Plasma Lift Medical presentation, as is customary with People & Skin events, there is always a fashion-related twist, and this time, the spotlight was turned on the newly designed and launched Francesca boots from Roccamore.

For those new to Roccamore, the brand designs stylish shoes which are often praised as being some of the comfiest around. This time, like I said, it was time to introduce the Francesca boots, which come in either blue or pink and are named after the founder of the popular local Facebook group Women for Women, and women rights activist Francesca Fenech Conti. The boots are being launched for a cause, and a part of the proceeds from the sales will go to fund the women's reproductive rights campaign that is currently undergoing in Malta through the Women's Rights Foundation.

I don't want this blog to turn political but here's a little background information about the women's reproductive rights campaign and what it stands for, just so you know what you would be contributing to should you wish to buy the boots.

Abortion, no matter the circumstances of the pregnancy, is illegal in Malta and the aim of this campaign is to push forward the legalization of abortion for a guaranteed safe procedure for those who wish to go for it. I for one, do not agree with the principle of abortion and a part of me believes it really is murder of the innocent especially when the pregnancy is an advanced stage or when someone wants to terminate an unwanted pregnancy for no reason, only because the baby, who has done nothing, is unwanted. I believe a baby is a blessing and there are ways and means that you can learn and use to not get pregnant in the first place in this day and age; However, the medical scientist in me knows that certain complications can arise in pregnancy which may have serious consequences on the mother's and baby's health and sometimes, they may even lead to death. In such instances, I believe that the parents should be given the option to abort the pregnancy if they 'wish' so. I am not going to go into the ethical issues of who to save, for each case should be consulted individually, I simply would like for women who wish to terminate a pregnancy (I repeat, a pregnancy which presents detrimental complications), to be able to do so safely in their home country instead of being forced to go to shady clinics in a foreign country.

So in a nutshell, this is what part of the proceeds from all Francesca boots sales will contribute to. I must admit though, the boots do come at a price but from what I've seen at the launch, they do look comfy, stylish and little to no glitter falls off from them, and they do look well-made.

To conclude, I would like to thank People & Skin for having me and well done Roccamore on the launch of the Francesca boots for a cause :) 

2 comments on "Jett Plasma Launch & Fashion With A Cause at People & Skin Med-Aesthetic Clinic"
  1. Thank you for the information. I will be reviewing it soon and will let you know if we have any follow-up questions.
    The Truth About a Liquid Facelift .Thank you for sending this info. I learned alot from it.

  2. Laser treatment is one of the most advanced pigmentation treatment for removing unwanted pigmentation on the skin such as age spots, sun spots, and freckles.
