Review | Born Pretty Store 2mm Striping Tape #5

Earlier last week I received a package from Born Pretty Store with some nail art products to review for you guys and the first thing that I really wanted to try was the 2mm rose gold striping tape. Currently I'm obsessed with everything rose gold - jewellery, nails, shoes, makeup, everything under the sun really! I just think it is such a versatile and luxe metal that goes with everything! I'm also really fond of this tape because of it's copper under-tones.

I used the tape in this skittle manicure to create a sort of geometric design on my ring fingernails and I really like how striking it looks against the other colours. To maximize the wear time of the striping tape, always make sure to trim the tape a little less than your nail length/width.

On me, the tape lasted for 4 days before the corners started to peel off after helping my boyfriend with painting some walls, house chores, doing dishes and work in general. I would also like to point out that the colour does fade a little on application of a top coat.

The 2mm striping tape range is available in 2 colours for just $0.99 a roll! I really like the holographic ones for the coming holiday season too. Which ones would you pick?

To get 10% off your order, quote the code EBABK31 at checkout.

The rings I am wearing in the above picture are also from Born Pretty Store and qualify for a 10% discount too.

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1 comment on "Review | Born Pretty Store 2mm Striping Tape #5"
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