The Exit Interview Series: Volume #6

This month I have used up two products which I keep re-purchasing over and over again, especially the concealer.  It is my HG concealer to cover up dark circles and if ever Essence had to come up with the very bad idea of discontinuing it, that would mean that I would have to start my search for a good under concealer all over again. Seriously, ever since I came across this stuff, I have never looked at another concealer!  On the other hand, the Nivea scrub does a very good job in leaving me with peachy-soft skin without being too harsh and it doesn't break the bank!

2 comments on "The Exit Interview Series: Volume #6"
  1. I haven't tried this concealer, but now you made me curious.:-)

    1. It really is a very good concealer Jelena! I really do prefer it over others
