NOTW: Egyptian Tablet

This week's nail design was inspired by my favourite nail artist on YouTube, LOVE4NAILS.  As soon as I saw her tutorial, I immediately thought of using my new Essence Color & Go nail polishes and this manicure has enabled me to use three of them at one go!  Since my nails are shorter and narrower than Raquel's I opted for a more subtle approach and re-created the design on my ring fingers taking up almost the entire nail while opting for a delicate French manicure on the rest of my nails.  Here is what my nails look like and if you like what you see, scroll down for the step-by-step tutorial!

1. Prep nails with a base coat and when dry, apply two coats of an iridescent gold nail polish over the entire nail where you want to do your main design.  Now you can either opt to do a French manicure like I did by simply applying two coats of the gold polish onto your tips and then contouring with little dots of turquoise and purple polish or else do the design on all of the nails.  My base colour is Irreplaceable from Essence cosmetics.

2. To start working on the design, you will need some gold striping tape and a pair of manicure scissors.  Cut out a long piece of tape and start by affixing it in two vertical lines as shown in the first picture.  Continue to affix the tape and trim the excess as shown in the picture until you end up with a similar pattern:

4. When satisfied with your design, get a small dotting tool and with another two colours fill in different segments as you like.  I used Essence Color & Go nail polishes in Choose Me! and Where Is The Party?

5. Finish off by adding three square rhinestones in between the vertical stripes and seal your design with a top coat!

That's it for the tutorial! Here is a bonus pic of the Burberry inspired gel nails I did on a client :)

6 comments on "NOTW: Egyptian Tablet"
  1. I admire your work, you must have one steady hand and loads of patience to get this done :)

  2. that's so pretty! you are very talented (: x

    My Blog ~ xLittleBells♥

  3. Hi Lara,
    these are really pretty, i love them xx
