
Style Post | How To Achieve the 'Sharp Dressed Man' Look

Although the majority of them won't admit it, men are nowadays becoming more self-conscious as to their general appearance and they are putting in more effort to groom themselves and dress appropriately for whatever occasion.

Granted that nothing feels more comfortable than jeans, trainers and a t-shirt, sometimes you have to up their game; and well, here's a little helping hand at doing that the sharp, stylish way :)

First off, what does it mean to be 'sharply dressed'? Dressing sharp simply means that one is aware of their personal style and goes on to wear clean, fashionable clothes that actually fit. Everyone gets just one opportunity to make a good first impression and clothes are a good place to start. It is known that dressing sharp boosts self-confidence, draws positive attention and shows maturity and self-respect.

Probably the first images of sharply dressed men being conjured in your minds right now most likely feature exquisitely tailored dress shirts, suits and accessories to match. However, one can also dress down in a sharp manner accordingly.

Men who work in offices and such are more often than not required to wear suits and tailored shirts. For such conservative environments, it is best to stick to blacks, navy blues and greys. Shirts are best kept plain or if you really fancy patterns you can go for something pinstriped and instead of a tie, one can opt to wear braces for a more casual and relaxed look.

If your work place allows for an even more casual vibe, you can always pair a nice, fitted cashmere crew neck or v-neck jumper with a crisp shirt and tie combination over a pair of tailored trousers. Alternatively, a tailored cable-knit zip-up will look just as good. The elbow patches will up your style credentials too!

For weddings, a tailored suit, shirt and tie is the most obvious choice however, you can always add in a matching waistcoat especially if you're close to the couple. A complementing handkerchief in your outer breast pocket will give you a more elegant and sophisticated look. If you really want to further up your style game, cuff-links add a nice touch effortlessly.

Weekends are generally more relaxed but doesn't mean you cannot still dress sharp. For example if you're out about town or grabbing a drink with friends, you can always go for a nice casual blazer, pullover and chinos and loafers or boat shoes for a relaxed yet fashionable vibe. Alternatively you can opt for more colourful shirts and when the weather gets cooler, you can always drape a scarf round your neck or wear a baker boy cap!

Those are my style tips for dressing sharply, and I really enjoyed working on this collaboration post with Paul Fredrick. I encourage you to go have a look at their website for some serious style inspiration and exquisitely tailored clothing items for men like the ones shown in the pictures.

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