Looking Back On 2012

The year when the world was supposed to end is almost over.  It is needless to say that it has brought with it many ups and downs but the ups were certainly more than the downs. Overall, I can say that it was a year that I will remember for all my lifetime.  

To start with, I have been working in my dream job for a year and I am now officially appointed. Although  work can be stressful at times, I love the challenge it brings with it and I am pleased to say that I have the best colleagues one can ever have. Moreover, working on a shift basis does have leave me with more time to myself and allows me to carry out my freelance nail tech thing better.  

As for beauty, this year has seen me join a team of successful individuals and be part of Malta's first ever beauty portal www.eve.com.mt. I love blogging there and being a total feminist myself, I feel very proud and thankful of forming part of such a venture aimed especially at women. Here I have to thank Daniel and Bertrand for inviting me on board. Blogging also led to me being featured along side 4 other top Maltese beauty bloggers in The Sunday Times of the 7th of October (which happens to be my birthday) in an article by Ramona Depares; sepcial thanks also go to the photographer.  In August, I also had the opportunity to attend a bloggers' event at the PharmaMT offices which is the company who imports Essence and Catrice in Malta thanks to Daniela. It is surely an event I will remember!

The highlight for this year, however, is without any doubt, the week I spent in Paris with my boyfriend and his family. I am in awe of this beautiful city and if I could live there I totally would! From shopping on the never ending Champs-Elysees to visiting Versailles, this holiday rekindled memories of my first visit in Paris 10 years ago with my family and I hope I visit again soon!

Looking back on this year, I think I have achieved a few more life-goals such as starting driving lessons. I am now almost done with them and hopefully, I will take my practical test earlier next year. I have also stuck to most of the resolutions I made last year including going to the dermatologist ad excercising regularly. I still have some time left to do the others though :P.

Lastly, I would like to thank all those individuals who made my year a successful one and here's to an even better 2013 and a very Happy Christmas to everyone!

1 comment on "Looking Back On 2012"
  1. Lovely to hear how well your year has been, and congratulations on the job being made permanent. Good luck with the driving test next year.
    Merry Christmas to you!
