Guest Post: Preparing Our Feet For Sandal Season... How To Do A Pedicure At Home

Hello Fabulous Followers of Every Beauty Addict's Bible! A big thank you to goes to Lara who has given us this opportunity to do a guest post for her! If you haven't checked out her guest post on our blog you may read it here.

So, for those of you who don't know us, I am Denise and together with Martina we form part of All Things Fabulous, a beauty blog!

The weather is getting hotter as we’re slowly welcoming summer 2012 . . speaking for ourselves,  we’ve already ditched spring-time clothes for summer-time clothes and that also means summer footwear! Are you guys dreading showing your feet after lots of months of hiding (and maybe neglecting) you feet in boots? Well, the news is, now’s the time to take extra care!

 Unless you have anything that needs to be professionally treated, you don’t need to go and spend a fortune on a pedicure! You simply need to make time for some self-pampering. We all deserve it!!

We suggest creating a relaxing spa-like ambiance by lighting some candles and maybe light on an oil burner for an extra treat. Also make sure you have all your products and equipment.

Start off by removing nail varnish from your nails. Then, soak your feet for about 5 to 10 minutes in warm water with added foot soak. Now, grab a foot or body scrub and exfoliate your feet. Rinse off and dry.

Next step is to remove any hard skin with a good foot rasp and aim to work in one direction at a time! If you have a build-up of hard skin, it is unlikely that you will get this off at one go, so every time you shower, make sure you rasp!

If your toe nails are long, make sure you cut and then file them straight. Please – don’t ‘sea-saw’, as this causes the layers of your nails to split!

After filing your nails, apply some cuticle oil and push back your cuticles.

Now, moisturize your feet using a super nourishing foot cream or body lotion.

If you need to apply nail varnish, wipe over the nail plate with an acetone-free nail oilish remover to take away any oil before applying a base coat, colour and a top coat. And you’re done!

Thanks for reading our post, if you would like to check out our blog you may visit and like our facebook page


o.b.o The Fabulous Team o.b.o Every Beauty Addict's Bible XOXO

1 comment on "Guest Post: Preparing Our Feet For Sandal Season... How To Do A Pedicure At Home"
  1. Great post! Pampering myself makes me so relaxed and stress-free :D
