The Exit Interview Series: Volume #8

I'm so excited to bring you this month's instalment of the Exit Interview Series as I have used up a lot of products! I cleared out expired medicinals and beauty products in the beginning of the month and while I didn't take a picture of all the junk, I gained a much better insight as to which products were nearing the end so I could use them up and de-clutter. So let me start straight away!

Nail polish remover is something I have to have in 'bulk'. I keep one bottle with my nail polish stash, 1 in the upstairs bathroom and 1 in the one downstairs.  I have finished one this month and this is the one I keep buying because it is such good value for money and it doesn't dry out my nails since it is acetone free.

I have also finished these Veet waxing strips which I will only keep buying the face version of as the ones for legs seem to harden to the point that you cannot use them if you do not use them up for too long.  Instead I bought some warm wax from Nair and I'm hoping for better results.

With regards skin care, I have used up quite a few products this month such as some Montagne Jeunesse masques (yes, even one designed for men just because I like its deep cleansing action), Effaclar AI Targeted Breakout Corrector and an olive oil/bottled water eye make-up remover.  I always have a surplus supply of MJ masques and I have to re-purchase the breakout corrector after I finish the spot products I am currently using.  As for eye make-up remover, I will be sticking to my Lycia wipes (which incidentally I have used up another pack of) to remove most of the make-up and then proceed with my usual cleansing routine.

To prepare my footsies for sandal season, I have been giving them a pedicure twice weekly thanks to Scholl products and I have used up this Hard Skin Reducing Cream and an Exfoliating Creams.  My feet always look better when I use Scholl products and I already have another exfoliant cream, while I am using a Cracked Heel Repair Cream to care for sores caused by shoes. 

Clearing out the bathroom(s) cabinet(s), I have come across some shower gels, shampoos, hair conditioners and body lotions that I had completely forgotten about so I have taken them out to use them but so far I have only used up this Attirance Strawberry Shower Gel.

Project-Ten-Pan Update

Lastly, as a Project-Ten-Pan update, I have used up three mascaras which I will repurchase none of simply because the elf ones were clumped as soon as I got them and the other one was a little thought from my neighbour but I have never seen the brand anywhere.  I am now working on the other products and I will be sharing some tips on how to succeed with such a project in a separate post!

This was quite a lengthy post but I feel very pleased with myself at having used up all these products in a month so now I can see which products I really need and those that I don't so I will save my pennies for something better next time :P

4 comments on "The Exit Interview Series: Volume #8"
  1. Loving the blogs new look. Sounds like you're doing well with using things up :) its a good way to see what bits you really need to buy in future and which you can live without! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
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  2. Ooh yes new layout, very different :P
    Nice way to review things, I've been collecting empties this month to do one of these myself. Really ought to go through my bathroom cupboards, sure I'll have out of date meds and forgotten about shower gels too!

  3. Glad you like the new layout girls :) Although there are still some things I have to get fixed hehe. Yeah, having to write these posts at the end of the month makes me want to use up more products and clearing out the cupboards has really helped ;)
