NOTW: Contrasting Stripes

Good morning everyone! As it so happens, whenever I have some time to myself, I am usually searching for nail art ideas for clients and myself on the internet and I keep all the pictures that I like in a folder.  This week, I was flipping through these pictures and there was this design with alternating green and yellow nails and contrasting stripes on each of them.  Although I liked the design, the colours are not really my cup of tea and they are not so appropriate for work and fall.  Hence I chose a purple and a burnt orange combination instead. This is the finished result:

1. Start with a clear base coat on your natural nails and when dry, apply two coats of a deep purple polish  (Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer in 110 Poison Me, Poison You) on all nails omitting the ring fingers.

2. Apply two coats of a burnt orange polish such as Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer in 895 I'm A Lob-Star on the ring fingers and allow to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

3. To create evenly thick and straight stripes, I used striping tape to draw out guidelines.  Start by applying two stripes a little off-centre, leaving a 3mm gap in between. Subsequently, apply another two stripes, one on each side of the middle ones, leaving a 1mm gap between the middle stripe and the one you are about to affix.  You should end up with something like this:

4. Paint on two thin coats of purple polish on the middle part only, making sure not to go out of the striping tape guides at the sides.

5. Wait for about 40 seconds and gently, start removing the striping tape, preferably in the same order they were adhered. You should be left with three clean, purple stripes.

6. Finish with a glossy top coat and you're done!

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