
Sunshine Bloggers Award

Good afternoon everyone :) How is your Sunday progressing so far? Mine has been quite relaxed and I started the day with a walk near the sea. This has fast become my favourite therapy to help me relax and ease my mind and it makes me feel good too. So with iPod on, I am trying to start my days this way whenever possible.
Senglea from Vittoriosa yesterday morning
The sea relaxes me to an extent that mind thinks so much better and I get to reflect upon certain events that have taken place in my life recently. However, my mind always drifts to the same thing...the special people who have always been there for me as well as other who have made their way into my life unexpectedly and I am grateful for each and everyone of them. Family, friends, colleagues, fellow bloggers, I am thankful for each and everyone of you!
Earlier this week, the ever so beautiful Dorianne from Ask Dorianne has tagged me in her Sunshine Bloggers Award post. This award is given to bloggers who inspire others in a creative and positive way so thank you sweety for thinking my blog fits this bill :)
This is how it works:

1. Share 11 facts about yourself

2. Answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you in the first place

3. Come up with 11 questions for those you intend to tag for the Sunshine Blogger Award

4. Tell those who inspire you that you’ve tagged them ;)
11 Facts
1. I have only recently got my driving licence at 24 years of age.
2. Lately, I have been enjoying wine whenever I dine out and my favourite is a White Zinfandel Rose' which tastes sweet at first but has a dry aftertaste.
3. I am addicted to chocolate yet I do not like chocolate flavoured ice-cream and cakes.
4. This is the first year that I haven't done any resolutions and I am making lifestyle changes as I go. So far it has proven to be more effective.
5. I have fast become a fan of scented candles and my favourites are anything related to the sea such as ocean breeze fragrances, fruity scents and anything vanilla based.
6. I am obsessed with having my skin in tip top condition and I always make sure to exfoliate at least twice a week and apply body lotion all over everyday.
7. I would like to own a cabin cruiser one day and spend the rest of my life living on it and travel the world one port at a time.
8. Paris is my favourite city in the world and I never get tired of visiting it. This year, however, I am looking forward to more adventurous travels.
9. Currently I am obsessed with the colour rose gold. I think it goes with a lot of pieces in my wardrobe and it has a more juvenile feel to it than yellow gold.
10. Orchids and roses are my favourite flowers and I love decorating with them in simple vases.
11. As much as I say I hate the colour black, my wardrobe is 40% black. I need to shop for brighter colours in winter :P Yes, I am a strong believer in the mantra that you help the economy when you shop...especially for shoes :D

Answers to Dorianne's questions

1. Name one thing which makes you smile.
Babies and little children make me smile no matter how low my mood is. The look on a child's face makes the world such a better place in its innocence.

2. What's one beauty trend that you just can't stand?
I can never say this enough; nude lips and dark lip liner.

3. Dogs or cats?
Definitely felines...of all shapes, sizes and colours. Oh and the bigger and fluffier the better!

4. Your best bargain so far?
This has to be my latest acquisition from Nine West. I have been looking for a nice comfy pair of pointy patent black heels since forever and last Friday I found one at Nine West at 60% off. I paid a mere €38 instead of €95 and they are a dream to walk and dance in!

5. Your favourite childhood movie?
This has to be Sleeping Beauty. Mum and Dad used to leave it on repeat as I never got tired of watching it and then in the evening I would dance with my Dad to Once Upon A Dream :)

6. Who's your favourite author? (you can only pick one)
Dan Brown. I have read all of his books and although they may seem they always revolve round the same theme, I find it fascinating how he manages to come up with certain plots. I also like his writing style.

7. Have you made any new year's resolutions for this year?
No but I am making lifestyle changes as I go.

8. What’s something you’ve done that, perhaps, changed your life to the better?
This sounds mean but breaking up with my long term boyfriend has proved to be an eye opener. He is a good guy and I cannot complain about him but there were certain things on both parts that we just couldn't work out. It has changed me to a better person and with the support of people who I hold dear, I have managed to go through the break up swiftly.

9. Which is the worse: too much perfume or body odour?
Body odour. I can't stand it! Ewwww.

10. If you could be any influential person for a day who would you be and why?
I believe anyone is influential in their own regard so I'd choose to be me any day. I am who I am because of the influences of other people on me and there's nothing more rewarding than someone thanking you for being a positive influence in their life.

11. Something you're craving for right now?
Sushi! I have only discovered it recently and now I crave it all the time. I have even learnt to eat with chopsticks!
My 11 Questions
1. What is your favourite way to unwind?
2. Did you make any new year's resolutions? Are you keeping up with them?
3. If you could do any other job in the world, what would you choose to do and why?
4. What's the longest you have gone without shopping?
5. Plain nails or nail art?
6. Who inspires you and why?
7. What's your favourite type of holiday? City break or countryside retreat?
8. Something or someone you cannot live without?
9. Which makeup item do you have the most of in your collection?
10. What's your favourite piece of clothing?
11. What’s something you’ve done that, perhaps, changed your life to the better?
And now, these are the bloggers I tag to do this post:

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