
Review | Born Pretty Store Stamping Plates BP20 & BP22

After carrying an array of nail art stamping plates on their website, Born Pretty Store have finally launched their own line! I was very excited to receive two of them to try out and I started having a go at them right away!

The stainless steel plates all come with a protective film which you have to peel away to be able to use the images for stamping. They are white at the back with the Born Pretty Store logo written all over. They are 5.5cm in diameter and they fit perfectly in the Born Pretty Store stamping plate holder.

The images are engraved to perfection and are very easy to use - I do recommend filing the edges a bit though so as to avoid cutting yourself.

The plate BP20 features a nice selection of floral motifs while BP22 has a mix of butterflies and paisley images. 

I haven't had any problems while using these plates and the designs transfer completely onto the nails as can be seen in these two manicure designs.

I loved these plates so much that I went ahead and bought 5 more - I got BP02, BP05, BP07, BP08, BP10.

Get your Born Pretty Store plates at just $2.99 each (some are even discounted to as low as $0.99!) and if you apply the coupon code EBABK31 at checkout, you will even get a 10% discount!

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1 comment on "Review | Born Pretty Store Stamping Plates BP20 & BP22"
  1. I have already placed, like 4 BPS orders, including some new stamping plates and some older ones you reviewed and... you are not helping my stamping addiction! LOL! <3
