
Tag Post | First Date Tag

I was recently tagged by sweet Caroline of Diva Inside to do the First Date Tag. Here are my thoughts on the whole subject!

1. How long does it take you to get ready for a date?

First dates are somewhat of a big deal and yes I am guilty of taking too long to get ready. Usually I would have planned the outfit before so once that's sorted, all I have to do is soak in a bath, exfoliate, shave, do my hair, get my makeup done and get dressed. I'd say the whole process takes somewhere round the three hours mark.

2. What is your idea of a perfect first date? 

a) Dinner
b) Drinks
c) Cinema
d) Adventurous Dates

Dinner is always nice as you get to converse easily with your date, providing I have met the other person before. If it's with someone I don't really know, I'll stick to drinks.

3. What would you gravitate more towards to wear on a date …

a) Jeans
b) Trousers
c) Skirt
d) Dress

I'm quite the girly girl so I'll always opt for a nice dress and heels combination.

4. On the date of your choice what makeup would you wear

a) Girl next door
b) Smokey and sexy
c) Bold lip
d) Brights

I usually go for a smokey eye look with neutral lips.

5. Your date says you have an hour to be ready. What do you do?

I'd appreciate if he lets me know in advance so that if I have time during the day, I'll get most of the prep steps out of the way during the day and leave the shower, makeup and outfit for the last hour so that I'm ready on time - I hate being late to anywhere.

6. Your date asks for the bill, do you …

a) Offer to pay – with actual meaning to pay
b) Make a fake fuss – with no intention of paying
c) Expect him to pay straight away

I always offer to pay with actual meaning to! It's not like we're in the sixties anymore! We are always going on about being independent and that sort of thing so I don't see anything wrong with splitting the bill or offering to pay for it all for that matter. Having said that, I would appreciate him paying on our first date though.

7. It’s time to say goodbye you really like your date do you …

a) Wave
b) Hug
c) Kiss on the cheek
d) Peck
e) Full on smooch

I'd go for a small peck and see if things lead to a full on smooch...and a second date :)

Now, I tag all of you reading this post to have a go and answer these questions and why not? maybe get you reminiscing on your first date with your significant other just like I did!

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