
The Exit Interview Series | Volume #38

Twelve months on, I am pleased to say that I have kept up with my resolution to use up as many products as I can as the year rolls by for the simple reason that I was accumulating way too many products for such a small person :) Here go this month's empties!

Starting with body care, I have finally used up three full sized body lotions of which I only had a little left in each container and I also used up a sample of The Body Shop Mango Sorbet body souffle. The texture of the latter is really intriguing as is the scent and I will consider buying it once I go through the other lotions that remain in my stash. The Spiced Vanilla flavour was actually a Christmas Limited Edition so it is no longer available while the other two were part of gift sets.

Next I have two foot products - Scholl Cracked Heel Repair Cream which works wonders for keeping feet baby soft and this Exfoliating Foot Scrub which works a treat for keeping dry, rough skin at bay. I will bot be repurchasing any of them for the moment as again I have other similar products to go through.

Moving on, I have finally used up this Angel Water Element Nourishing Cream which is essentially a hair mask that aims at restoring moisture in your hair. It took me a long time to go through this because I didn't use it as frequently as I thought I would and having oily hair, it meant that I had to wash my hair the after every time I used it cos it just weighed it down. The other item in the picture is the last sachet of collagen eye patches I had bought from Ebay a while back. These work instantly, but again no use repurchasing a product that took me a lot of time to go through simply cos I forgot about it.

Next, I have an assortment of top and base coats which I won't be repurchasing cos all of them chip like crazy, with the exception of the Essence nail hardener which actually works great but once you reach half the bottle, it just thickens to a point where it's very difficult to use.

Lastly, I have this coconut perfume from The Body Shop which I have already purchased a backup for because I seriously love this stuff! There is also a sample of Pupa Milano's Vamp! Mascara in Black which is one of my favourite mascaras ever.

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