NOTD | La Ville Des Lumieres

Good afternoon everyone :) This week I was looking through some pictures and I came across the ones from my last visit to Paris and since I have recently bought a pack of Eiffel Tower nail decals, I thought I should create some nail art with them.

When I think of Paris, a million adjectives cross my mind, especially the city's 'nickname' la ville des lumieres (city of lights) and I came up with this manicure. Read on to learn how to achieve the same look!

1. Apply a base coat to protect the nails.

2. Follow with two coats of a dark lilac polish. I used Essence Colour & Go 131 Ballerina's Charm.

3. When dry, apply a glitter polish such as China Glaze Snowglobe to the base of each nail. Start by dabbing the glitter onto the nail and gently drag it up towards the centre to achieve a gradient look. Allow to dry.

4. When dry, pick a sticker the size of your nail and affix it in the centre of the nail, a little above the base to give the illusion of lights behind the Eiffel Tower.

5. Seal with a top coat for a longer lasting manicure.


4 comments on "NOTD | La Ville Des Lumieres "
  1. I love this, the colours and style is really cute.


  2. This is so pretty and a wonderful tribute to an incredibly city xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool

  3. This is so beautiful! I love your blog! Following you!

