NOTW | Chevron Half-Moon Manicure

Hey all :) Hope your Sunday has been great! Here is the nail art tutorial for this week where I took a modern take on the half-moon manicure with a classic colour combination...nude pink and gold. Read on for the tutorial!

1. Prep nails with a base coat to protect your natural nails and help the polish last longer.
2. Paint two coats of a gold nail polish onto the ring fingers making sure to allow enough drying time for each coat. I used Essence Colour & Go 140 Go Bold. For the other nails, apply two coats of a nude pink polish. I used Essence Nude Glam 02 Iced Strawberry Cream. It is imperative to leave the nails to dry thoroughly before proceeding. 10 minutes should be enough.
3. Using striping tape, adhere two strips at the base of each of the pink coloured nails, forming a triangle and paint this triangle with the same gold polish used for the ring fingers. Wait for a couple of seconds and gently peel off the tape. Remember to take off the last piece of tape first.
4. Seal your design with a top coat and you're done!


2 comments on "NOTW | Chevron Half-Moon Manicure"
  1. Love this manicure but I´m a little bit rude with my nails... blah...

    Kisses from Madrid!!!

  2. This is really sweet, very girly and pretty and subtle :) love it xx

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