NOTW | Blue & Green Watercolour Manicure

This is the nail art I have proposed for you this week...watercolour nails! It's very easy to do and of course you can choose your own colour combinations, the effect is simply beautiful! Read on for the tutorial!

1. Prep nails with a base coat and leave to dry.

2. Paint two coats of a white nail polish on the fingers you want to do the watercolour effect on and paint a French tip on the others. Here I used Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear 300 White On. Leave to dry thoroughly.

3. Seal the French manicured nails with a top coat and apply one coat of a fast drying top coat to the all white nails.

4. Pick the colours you will be using to create the watercolour effect with. I chose Catrice Cruise Couture Limited Edition Ultimate Nail Lacquer C04 Feel The Yacht Beat and E.L.F. Mint Crème. Put a couple of drops of each nail polish separately on a piece of aluminium foil and with a pointed or square tipped nail art brush dipped in nail polish remover, thin each colour out.

5. When satisfied with the colour, just touch the brush onto the white nail in random areas. Repeat for all the colours and when totally dry, seal with a top coat!

3 comments on "NOTW | Blue & Green Watercolour Manicure"
  1. This looks so beautiful! Its really subtle and delicate but sooo pretty! xx

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  2. Hello Lara. I really like your blog and it would mean a lot to me if you would take a minute and check, follow my blog if you like. Thank you so so much, have a nice day,
    xoxo Nika

  3. this looks incredible! :) xxxx
