Guest Post | Foundation Commandments For Summer

Good afternoon everyone :) Today I have a guest post with a subject that I'm sure is of interest to all of who, especially those who live in countries where summer is how it's supposed to be...sunny and hot! The guest writer is Amanda Green and she will share her commandments to make the most out of your foundation this summer! Enjoy!

Every season treats your skin differently, and summer is one of the harshest. Just as your skin changes, so does the way and type of foundation you use. After all, the foundation goes on your skin, so things would just naturally change together, right? With this in mind, we have come up with our foundation commandments for summer. These are things you absolutely must keep in mind during the summer months in order to keep your skin healthy, happy, and flawlessly beautifully.

Commandment #1: Thou Shalt Apply Lightly

Oh yes, this is a big one. During the summer months, you need only apply the smallest amount of foundation. Otherwise, it will end up smudging, running off, or just generally become a mess. Not only that, but sun-kissed summer skin is gorgeous, so give it some room to breathe! How on earth will you get that gorgeously tanned skin colouring if you have a mask on your face? Catch my drift?

Commandment #2: Thou Shalt Wash Completely

You should always remember to wash your foundation off your face at the end of the day, but this becomes even more important during the summer months. Leaving your foundation on overnight can cause unsightly blemishes to pop up. Add that in with the sweat, heat, humidity, sunscreen, bug spray, or whatever else is sticking to your skin and you have got yourself a mess. So just remember to wash your face thoroughly every night before bed to avoid that sticky situation.

Commandment #3: Thou Shalt Carry Blotting Papers

Blotting papers are those nifty little papers that you, well, blot onto your skin when you seem to be accumulating too much oil on your face. Many people think that these papers are only for the oily skinned, and during the rest of the year that may be true. During the summer months, however, it is necessary for everyone to carry them. They can be used to blot excessive sweat from your face so that your foundation stays fabulous, oil-free, and blemish free.

Commandment #4: Thou Shalt Change Shades

It's a little known fact that should be common sense, but it is totally necessary to change your shades with the season. The varying amounts of sun, wind, and humidity will alter the exact shade of your skin. Normally, this just means going one (maybe two) shades up from what you would wear in winter. If you love to get a nice tan and spend most of your hot summer days at the beach you may need to go up as many as four or five shades though. Using your winter or spring foundation colour will make you look pasty, pale, and akin to the living dead during the summer months.

Commandment #5: Thou Shalt Prime Thy Face

During summer months it becomes essential to use a primer before applying foundation. Why? Same thing that keeps being said- it's hot and you're sweaty! Primer will help to ensure your foundation stays in place all day long, which is what you want, isn't it?

Well ladies, there you have it! Those are our foundation commandments for summer, and we really hope that you use them. Using these five little must-dos as we've said will help to keep your foundation in place and your skin look fabulous all summer long!

Amanda is a beauty fanatic and author of which recently featured a guide on the Best Foundations For Oily Skin. Other than writing about skin care, Amanda loves to travel and one day dreams of going on a safari in Africa. If you have questions or comments for Amanda, feel free to reach out to her @Skincare_HQ on Twitter!

3 comments on "Guest Post | Foundation Commandments For Summer"
  1. Perhaps this summer will be sunny? :p

  2. Helolo ;) do you want to follow each other? <3
